In this post we will look at
0.)About Fresha Dairy
1.1)Fresha Dairy Main Distributors
1.)Githunguri Dairy Product list
2.)Fresha Milk Distributors
3.)Fresha Milk Challenges
4.)Fresha Milk company contacts
5.)About Githunguri Dairy Sacco
6.)Dairy Products in Kenya
7.)About Fresha Competitior Palmhouse
8.)About Fresha Competitor Brookside
9.)About Fresha Competitor Ndumberi Dairy
Image of a Truck being filled with Strawberry and Vanilla yoghurt
Fresha Dairy brands formed in 1961 by 31 Dairy Farmers who were keen to improve their dairy and marketing activities is a Dairy company located in Kiambu county in Githunguri .
Fresha Dairy 5 liter yoghurt
A very long 40 minutes drive from Kiambu town .It can be said Githunguri is the headquarters of Dairy farming in Kenya as most activities in the area stem around Dairy .
Image of a Landcruiser prado at Fresha Main gate
The company collects milk from Farmers (mostly Githunguri) then processes the milk into 8 different product categories starting from Highest value(Ghee) to the least which is water .The company Fresha Dairy is a subsidiary of Githunguri Dairy Farmers Co-Operative Society Ltd which all of Fresha's employees are paid through.
A lorry at Fresha being inspected so as to minimize variance
Fresha Dairy has over 8 Distributorship depots around the country namely Eldoret,Kisumu,Embu,Nakuru,Mwingi,Emali and Mombasa .This enables complete penetration and distribution into the market . Fresha's business model does not go out of date as the company's willingness to ensure complete supply of its products.
Image of a Farmer taking Milk to the collection point
The company distributes the products by either Depots which happens during the day and Distributors which happens during the night.
Sipping Fresha Mixed Berries Yoghurt at the office
Fresha Dairy does not have a CEO .The company works with a Chairman who takes care of normal operation .
I just hitch hiked from Fourways to Githunguri by a driver supplying packaging to Fresha
The company has different departments and sections from Laundry , Security, weighbridge, canteen, ex market ,Engineering, Quality control ,Human resource ,Finance.
Sileage wrap being sold along the highway headed to Fresha
Fresha Dairy brands has various collection point and this IKINU cooling center is one of a collection point that farmers take their Milk then Milk is Offloaded to the Milk bowser and taken to the Company
Image of a Milk bowser at Ikinu cooling center
Most Farmers take their Milk to Fresha Milk Collecting points. Fresha has the capacity of collecting 300,000Litres of Milk daily .
Image of Githunguri farmers
Githunguri climate cannot be said to be Cold as there are some days that the sky is blue and very sunny .Most Trees in Githunguri are Grevillea robusta (Mukima )
Image of road headed to Githunguri
Fresha Employees can also be categorized according to Management who mostly occupy the administration block ,while most of the workers will be wearing white dust coast while the guys with overall are the front line workers mostly loaders and offloaders .
A forklift taking vanilla yoghurt from production area to reefer
The Company has very good incentives since for overtime each worker demands a payement of 470Ksh the following day .
However front line workers do not receive the overtime .For person looking for an attachment at Fresha Dairy effort seem not to be looked down upon as after each month the company pays you 2,500Ksh with necessary documents
The front line workers do not receive a lunch voucher which totals to 60Ksh .Instead the front line workers receive the breakfast voucher which cost 20ksh and can only take care of tea therefore during Lunch they go and look for something to eat then go back to work
Fresha Milk Price List
The Fresha Milk Price List concerning various products should be explained by the Nature of the business which is Mostly B2B where the Company Githunguri Dairy Processes the Milk into various dairy product then the business Fresha gets to work effortlessly with Sales,Marketing,Logistics in getting the product to a business that whose daily purpose is selling Milk for instance Quickmart,Naivas ,Carrefour and thousands of Fast moving consumer goods around Kenya.
Image of Fresha milk inside Mountain Mall Naivas Supermarket
Therefore Fresha Milk Price List is going to be skewed if released to you since the product goes through lots of Chains for it to get to you.
Image of Fresha salted butter 500grams
We will categorize Fresha Dairy Brands according to their value as there are high valued products mainly Butter, Ghee and cream.
Fresha 10Kg unsalted butter
The products are said to be high value as their production depends on the amount of liters collected and the thickness of the cream as the high valued products are created after milk is pasteurized and harvesting the cream which is used to make the three main products.
The high value products pricing is high per liter as compared to the rest of the products milk and yoghurt
Fresha Dairy Product List
Fresha Dairy Brand Butter
Fresha Salted and Unsalted Butter Facebook Post
Butter is categorized as Salted and Unsalted butter while the packaging ranges from 500grams which is the least and 10,000grams which is the largest .The cost of butter is 603Ksh per liters
My favorite recipes with fresha it's when I spread on the bread and take it with milk tea. Actually my breakfast will be soft and tasty
Fresha butter is good during frosting, the texture is so smooth. Finger liking on your cake
My favorite recipe with fresha butter is yummy Traditional vegetables boiled for at least an hour Add tomatoes, onion and #FreshaSaltedButter No oil used, the result is yummy
Fresha salted butter with brown bread, yummy
Fresha Butter Recipe
Fresha Butter Salted 10Kg |
Butter UnSalted 10Kg |
Fresha Unsalted Butter
Fresha Cream is one of the most high valued commodity as the cream goes bad easily and is mostly made purposely for baking companies and high end hotels. If the cream is about to expire the cream is carried all the way from the reefer to the processing area where it will made into ghee. The cream cost 280Ksh per liter
Image of Fresha Dairy Ghee
Fresha Dairy Ghee have one variant of Ghee which is packed in 4 kilograms. Though it is quite a challenge spotting the Fresha Ghee ,Butter and Cream in supermarkets
Image of Fresha Dairy Gable Top
Of course ,this is the main cash cow for Fresha Dairy as majority of the milk purchased by Fresha from farmers almost 60-70% goes not Milk processing leaving the 30% to yoghurts and most valued products (Butter,ghee and cream)
Image of Fresha Dairy 20 liters Milk
The Milk is packed from the lowest packaging thats 200ml to the largest packaging which is 20 litres.
Images of Fresha Dairy Lala Milk
Image of Fresha Lalal 1 liter
Image of Vanilla yoghurt inside a 40 feet reefer
Fresha dairy has a very huge of yoghurt flavors ,and according to data vanilla yoghurt is the most bought yoghurt flavor at Fresha then Strawberry.
Image of Fresha Vanilla Yoghurts
There is mixed berries flavor, pineapple flavour, caramel flavor ,peach flavor mango flavor and Fresha yupi tropical and Fresha yuppi apricot though their production is not consistent.
Image of Fresha Stawberry yoghurt
Fresha strawberry 150ml cup |
Fresha strawberry 250ml cup |
Fresha strawberry 500ml cup |
Fresha Vanilla 150 ml cup |
Fresha Vanilla 250ml cup |
Fresha Vanilla 500ml cup |
Fresha Zito strawberry 500ml cup |
Fresha Zito Vannilla 500ml cup |
Fresha Peach 500 ml cup |
Fresha Gable Top Strawberry 500ml |
Fresha Gable Top Vanilla 500ml |
Fresha Strawberry 500ml bottle |
Fresha Vanilla 5 litres |
Fresha Strawberry 250 ml bottle |
Fresha Vanilla 500ml bottle |
Fresha Vanilla 250ml bottle |
Fresha Passion 250ml cup |
Fresha Strawberry 1 litre |
Fresha Vanilla 1 litre |
Fresha Passion 1 litre |
Fresha Dairy Pineaple Flavor,Caramel flavor,Mixed Berries Flavor and Peach Flavor
A fresha distributor ready for days work
Fresha dairy are very strategic on how they choose their distributors as if you want to be a fresha distributor you must make a call to Fresha then Fresha checks whether the location where you want to start selling has a distributor if it has a distributor then they cannot assign you the distributorship as it will infringe contract with previous distributor at the same time increasing supply of fresha products whereas demand is still constant .
The main challenge facing Fresha Dairy is Theft outside the company especially in Kayole. Fresha Dairy brands operates on two models .There are depot sales which happen during the day (Day shift) and there is Distributor sales which happens at night (Night sales ) and at 2:00am every morning for the past years Fresha drops milk just outside home and in some estates there are high cases of insecurity especially Kayole and thus the drivers and sales off loaders are torched as well as the goods stolen.
Telephone : 020 2130887
Customer care : 0721209770
About Githunguri Dairy Sacco
Githunguri Dairy & Community Sacco Limited is a Banking service provider established and registered in the year 2003. GDCS was started by 428 Members with an initial share capital of Ksh 992, 046.00 as a Back Office Service Activity (BOSA). Back Office Service Activity deals with non-withdraw able savings and allows members to borrow against their savings, at very competitive interest rates. In the year 2006 the Sacco opened the Front office Service Activity (FOSA).Fosa are Financial services that enable members to conveniently and affordably transfer ,deposit, withdraw cash.
Githunguri Dairy Sacco is Located in 5 different locations with the head office at Githunguri town. There is Githiga branch which is located at Githiga shopping centre near the chief’s camp. There is Kigumo branch which is located at Kigumo shopping centre.There is Ikinu branch which is located at Ikinu shopping centre along Nairobi Githunguri road and then Kwa Maiko branch which is located at Kwa Maiko shopping centre.
To become a member of Githunguri Dairy you can draw your Membership at the parent society Githunguri Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Limited where all of Fresha employees, tea and coffee farmers, youth & the Business community within Kiambu County are part of.