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Writer's pictureMukinyo

January, February, Kei-apples.

Updated: 2 days ago

Images of Kei apple fruits collected along Marurui,Thome,Maroni,Ridgeways and Garden estate

Ripe Kei apple fruits

In this post we are going to look at

8.)FAQ about Kei apples

15.)Alternatives to Kei apple Japonica

16.)Alternative to Kei apple Barleria Hedge

17.)Alternatives to Kei apple Duranta Hedge

Kei apples commonly known as Kayafa,or Kayaba in Kikuyu is a mid-sized tree with ripe fruits native to south Africa. The Kei apple comes from the Kei River the longest tributary in Eastern province in South Africa and is approximately 225 km thus gaining the name Kei apple .

Image of Kei aplle seeds drying outside

Keiapple fruits drying inorder to evaporate the juice and leave keiapple seeds and pulp


During the month of march ,I embarked on a lethal marching expedition all around Marurui estate .To Maroni, To Kenya forest service, To Muthaiga North, To Garden estate ,To Thome estate all for one thing...Kei-apples and as most call it Kayaba. But it was not after I visited Kenya forest service the second.

kei apple roots

Image of Kei apple Tap Roots

I insist the second time since the first time we visited the Headquarters our arrival at the gate led us to being searched thoroughly and after parading us inside that office and noticing that we had no contraband now about to let us in the premises, the askaris ask if we had a national ID and we didn't and ended up going back home just as we had come

Dovyalis caffra roots

Luckily the second time armed with a national ID and this time round accompanied by a lady friend I propose they do much profiling. They let us in and after we head over to the seed office is when I knew that Kei apple had a scientific name Dovyalis caffra.

A single Kei apple seed

Image of one seed of a kei apple fruit

Few minutes later inside that small office which had about 4 individuals and the two of us making the number an even six, one of the employee a lady who was sited and over weight. Fainted as we all watched and her colleagues wondering what to do...

kei apple seedlings

Image of kei apple seedlings costing 250Ksh

We left without getting what we had come for but also left with important information. They were selling Kei-apple seedlings a kilogram for 2000Ksh but they were not stocked at the moment therefore as we headed home.

kei apple fence

Image of kei apple fence planted beneath a perimeter wall

I couldn't imagine I had money all disposed over the road side I therefore set a mission to collect as many Dovyalis caffra as possible since it was the month of March the fruits peak season.

Kei apple fruits on the ground

Image of Kei apple fruits may drop along garden estate road

Kei-apple, a very nice green fence that really adds aesthetic to your perimeter fence and it also helps you save a lot for instance you may forego putting an electric fence and just grow the all season Kei-apple tree till its tall enough since the thorns really hurt .

kei apple fence 20 years old

Image of a 20 year old kei apple fence

It was not the first time I was collecting the fruit since same time back in 2022 I had started collecting the fruit though I did it just to have some seeds which I would grow my own tree nursery but this time round with the money which acts as a good incentive I was all in.

 Kei apple fruits in a bucket

Collecting of the fruits was more of a day job and had even scheduled hours when to collect. Collect during hours of the day when there is no much traffic on the road so that people could not watch me collect the fruit and spark some interest in the fruit and enable them to collect also.

kei apple ladder

Image of a simple tool made all of kei apple wood used for carrying heavy manual cut stones

I would carry out the collection from between 11am to 2pm when majority of the road users were either at school or at work. And come Saturday I would do it during morning hours at around 6 am when literally the road was empty

Green kei apple fence

Image of a green kei apple fence

If incase some pedestrians passed me and saw me collect some went ahead and asked why was I collecting and I have to explain my self ."To harvest the seed "While some even went ahead to suggest that the same fruit makes traditionally beer.

Kei apple fruits growing

Image of Kei apple fruits growing on the fence

Garden estate was my main spot. Of all the kei-apple seeds that I accumulated Garden estate made the majority with most of the fruits falling on the ground making it easy for me to collect while some were on top of the tree and I had to shake the tree thoroughly that the fruits just fell and my work would be to collect and stuff them in my carrier bag.

kei apples seedlings

Image of Kei apple seedlings planted on a 1/2 20 liter container

The thing about this job was that I couldn't collect more than what was necessary since the fruits were very ripe and stacking more kei-apples on other kei-apples would cause the fruits to be squeezed making it to drip juice thus create a wet trail as I headed home

kayaba fence

Image of kayaba fence at Muthaiga North

I had to find a polythene bag which I would use incase the fruits got squashed and dripped their sour juice It would still be fine since It would be contained inside the polythene bag.

kei apple firewood

Image of a pot on fire and kei apple firewood as a backdrop

After I was done collecting and felt that the rest I would come for the next shift probably in the evening since I would have the morning shift plus the evening shift. I would then come home and place all the kei-apples on the bucket and the tough work would now begin.

kei apple seeds

Image of Kei apple seeds on a dispoable bag

After placing the kei-apple fruits on the yellow bucket and adding water I would now squeeze the fruits and ensure all were squeezed so as to dismantle them and leave the pulp plus the seeds. A huge kei-apple fruit could contain upto16 seeds while a small kei-apple fruit could contain at least four fruits.

kei apple fruits

Image of Kei apple fruits

The process was time consuming and also the fruit being mostly acidic it left my hand itching after the job was done so I would have a podcast or music playing and after I was done the solar really played a big part in ensuring the water plus the juice evaporated leaving out the pulp.

Kei apple fence

Image of Kei apple fence

The Kei apple fence is among the most used live fences as it is very cheap and does not cost much to maintain. The Kei apple to be efficient should be spaced accordingly so as to avoid the fence to appear irregular and with patches.

Neat kei apple fence

Image of a neat kei apple fence

For the Kei apple to be effective you must ensure you have a chain link surrounded all through your perimeter as the Kei apple will act as a perimeter wall in the future the fence needs some support

Kei apple fence spacing

Image of Kei apple fence

For the Kei apple to be uniform .The spacing that would be recommended would be a zigzag pattern so that the kei apple branches can overlap each other and not compete for spacing thus allowing the kei apple fence fills up

kei apple seedlings

Image of Kei apple seedlings

Kei apple seeds take approximately 14 days to starts sprouting .The kei apple seeds perform really well with very high germination rate despite being stored for long periods .

kei apple seeds

Image of Kei apple seeds planted on a sack

The seeds after collected are washed to remove the pulp which is usually yellow in color but after drying it turns black and sticks on the kei apple seed

dried kei apple fruit seeds

Image of dried Kei apple seeds

Collecting of the Kei apple seeds happens on the month of February ,March and April as that's when the Kei apple produces fruits

person collecting Kei apple fruit

Image of Kei apple collector

The Kei apple seeds after turning to seedling might continue growing onto the seedbed for a month until of age then be transplanted to a bigger container or to the ground for fencing. The Kei apple seedling will attain a height of 15 cm in a period of 3 to 4 months while still to reach 60 cm the kei apple seedling would take up to 2 years . The kei apple still matures in 3 to 4 years and at this point it could be 180 cm tall ready to bear fruits

watering kayaba seedlings

Image of kei apple seedlings being watered

  • Step 1 Ensure you have your dried seed then a seed bed prepared

  • step 2 After setting your seed bed ready you can sow the seeds then add some soil,mulch or sawdust

  • step 3 Water the Kei apple seeds at least after 3 days then after 14 days the Kei apple will start sprouting

kei apple seedlings

Image of Kei apple seedlings

The Kei apple Fence takes 3 years or more to grow, though growth sometimes in some areas is dependent on climate and amount of water .The Kei apple fence produces Leaves which are very good forage and can be used to compost .The Kei apple fence later produces fruits in the month of March and

The Kei apple Fruit produces a thick yellowish juice that taste very sour and when kept under heat for a period of time the juice ferments and turns to Wine .Kei apple fruit tastes half sour and half sweet if that is a correct term to describe how the Kei apple fruit tastes. The Fruit 's sweetness means it has sugars which optimize the juice to ferment though the wine/juice is not recommended for drinking .

 The Kei apple thorns are very long and can be used as Tooth picks or be used as wood mulch for large trees

What is the use of Kei apple

Kei apple is a versatile plant with multiple benefits, from being a source of food and medicine to its use in landscaping and environmental conservation.

Can you eat a Kei apple?

The Kei apple fruit is small, yellow, and has a tart, tangy flavor similar to apricots or plums. Kei apples can be eaten raw, but due to its sourness, they are more commonly used in making jams, jellies, chutneys, and preserves.

What is a Kei apple in swahili?

The Kei apple is known as Kayaba in swahili language which translate to kayafa in kikuyu language

Is Kei apple fast growing?

Yes, Kei apple (Dovyalis caffra) is considered a relatively fast-growing plant, especially in favorable conditions.Some key factors regarding its growth include Kei apple growth rate , typically kei apples grow quickly in its early years and can reach up to 3–5 meters (10–16 feet) in height, though it may grow taller in optimal condition Although it is drought-tolerant, regular watering in the early stages will enhance growth. After establishment, it can withstand dry conditions. It grows best in well-drained soils but is adaptable to a variety of soil types, including sandy and rocky soils.

Kei apple seeds can be purchased from various sources, You can by your Kei apple seeds from Kenya Forest Service at their headquarters at Muguga ,the seeds are said to be certified.

You also can buy Kei apple seedlings from Roadside Tree nursery vendors who collect the seeds from Live fences then propagate them.

Alternatively to buying you can collect Kei apple fruits that May drop during the month of may

Muniu James

3Ksh per seedling



1kg 1500Ksh


Abel Wekesa

7Ksh per seedling


Felix Litali

Orders Open


Farmer Titus

Orders open


Brian Chanzu

Orders open


Napier King

1kg 700Ksh


Newark Tree Nursery

Orders Open


Nganga Boniface

100Ksh per bag



150Ksh per bag


Kilimo By Urban Fresh

35Ksh per bag


Davis Mugera

35Ksh per bag


  1. Kei apple offers a huge opportunity for Employment as the seeds can be sold to seedling vendors at a price . The Kei apple seeds for instance fetch for 2000Ksh at Kenya Forest thus making it a very good venture even if you might decide not to sell the seeds rather propagate the sell seedlings.

  2. Due to its robust root system, Kei apple can help prevent soil erosion when planted in slopes or degraded areas.

  3. Kei apple's dense foliage and fruit attract birds and other wildlife, providing food and shelter.

kei apple fence with fruits

Image of Kei apple fence with fruits

  • The Kei apple fence takes time to grow although it might look promising on some images. The Fence needs lots of maintenance and early stages determine how your kei apple fence will look in the future .

kei apple fence burning

Image of kei apple fence on fire being disposed of its thorns

  • The Kei apple Fence while trimmed produces lots of stems and leaves which have thorns .This makes it challenging to use since lots of time is needed to sort the kei apple stems and being careful not to be pricked by thorns

dovyalis caffra fence on fire

Image of Dovyalis caffra fence on fire

  • The Kei apple fence requires continuous watering if the seedling is on the first stages . The Kei apple therefore requires lots of Investment by paying a waterboy or your time while at its young stages thus making it difficult for the fence to grow in future incase early stage was misses

  • Kei apple is high in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and acts as an antioxidant. It also contains other vitamins and minerals beneficial to health

  • Kei apples provides dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and supports gut health.

  • The kei apple fence takes less effort and time to grow as planting is done once and germination takes place therefor one of the most efficient of live fences

kei apple firewood

Image of a pot on fire and kei apple firewood

  • The kei apple fence while being trimmed can produce very thick stems that act like wood for firewood .

  • In some African traditional medicine practices, parts of the Kei apple plant, including its roots and leaves, have been used to treat ailments such as digestive disorders, skin conditions, and inflammation

  • The Kei apple fruit contains compounds with antioxidant effects, which may help protect the body from oxidative stress and inflammation


It can replace the Kei apple fence . Both The kei and the bougainvillea share similarities as they both have thorns one of the most important aspect of a live fence as it will prick any object trying to enter the environment .


It grows very fast and got deep green color which makes it outstanding. The Japonica plant is also used as a live fence . The tree can grow to 180 cm tall and a very good alternative to Kei apple

Image of a Japonia fence

The Japonica or wax leaf tree is multipurpose plant that can be grown to;

 provide privacy...just prune the bottom branches and let it grow upwards, this will provide you privacy

As a live hedge... Achieve this by trimming its upper tips and branches...this will make it grow thick on the lowers a perfect live hedge.

Image of a Japonica tree seedling

 Shade....let the tree grow , trim a bit of the bottom branches...this encourages it to grow bushy on the upper side ,perfect for shade.

Image of Japonica tree

Good thing about this tree is that it grows in all soil types even in the most harsh areas ,with minimal water .

Its also a fast growing tree, and will therefore give you desired results in an year or two

Image of kayaba seedling recycled on urban bites bag

Planting some Kei apple seeds on Urban bites packaging

Image of Kei apple planted on ribena packaging

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