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Writer's pictureMukinyo

Karura Forest Map

Updated: 13 hours ago

Image of Karura Forest Map by Friends of Karura

0.)About Karura Forest Map

1.)411 about Karura forest.

2.)Free road map of karura forest

3.)Karura Forest Entrance Charges

4.) Partners of Karura forest reserve

5.)Karura Forest Rules and Guidelines

6.)Karura Forest Limuru Road

7.)Karura Forest Kiambu road

9.)Karura Forest gates A,C,D,E,F,K

10.)Karura Forest Management Contacts

The Map of Karura Forest cost 200Ksh.The dimensions which are 21cm by 24.5cm while if you flip it it becomes double the lengths 42cm by 29.5cm .

Image of Karura Forest Map at Karura Forest


Karura Forest is a 1,041 hectare (2572.367acres ) Forest reserve in the Kenyan Capital Nairobi. Karura Forest is Located in Nairobi County and the Forest is sandwiched between Kiambu road and Limuru road.

Image of hikers walking through Karura Forest

The Karura Forest itself has 3 main sections which is the Sigiria ,the main forest karura block and Karura Forest Picnic site .Karura Forest was used traditionally for food, fuel and fiber ,as a sacred burial place and a source of herbal remedies ,such as the bark of the famous Muthiga tree.

Karura forest sign post

Karura Forest has been occupied for thousands of years and until 1932 is when the Forest became a reserve when the colonial government set it aside as source of fuelwood for the new Ugandan Railway and three quarters of the forest was felled and replanted with exotic species Cyprus, Eucalyptus and Araucaria.

Karura Forest Map

I did not buy the map to be honest, I was given free but it came with a prize. I wanted to go to Karura forest that day and I had just cash 600ksh to be exact and nil on my M-pesa and when am at gate C ,I realize wait a minute you cant pay using cash you only pay using your phone and I go out of the forest entrance and cross the road and head over to Sharks where there is an M-pesa and deposit then cross the road and return to the Forest Entrance .

Karura forest map

Image of Karura Forest Map

And when am about to pay I check over on my left and there is a merchandise store selling Karura forest Mugs ,shirt and I got interested with the book which was 500ksh and then

karura forest guide book

I saw the map which was 200ksh and am at a fix ,I clearly wanted both but I had 600ksh and the Forest entrance fee is 100ksh so I can only buy one Item and If I bought the Book then I would be completely bullet and that's what I did and after paying 600ksh they add me the map and so am very excited am inside Karura forest the umpteenth time but now I have a Map!

evans wagura mukinyo

You definitely do not need an ID to enter Karura forest.


Kenyan Citizen







Kenyan Children


Resident Children


Non-Resident Children


Karura Forest Car Parking Fees

Parking fees at Karura Forest applies depending on the type of the vehicle.



Mini Van




The Karura Forest Reserve map was a joint contribution of both Kenya Forest Service ,Friends of Karura Forest and Yellow Pages with their "Let your Fingers do the Walking

According to Karura Forest ,there are number of stakeholders who have really put their best foot forward in rehabilitating Karura Forest .Companies that have collaborated on project sponsorship at Karura Forest Include

African Fund For Endangered Wildlife Kenya

  1. APA Insurance

  2. Barclays Bank

  3. Davis & Shirtliff

  4. East African Brewaries Limited

  5. G4S Kenya

  6. George Drew Foundation

  7. H Young & Co (EA)

  8. KPMG

  9. KulGraphics

  10. Pelican Signs

  11. Postel Directories Kenya

  12. Samsung Electronics

  13. SBM Bank (Kenya)

  14. Sukuma Twende Trust

There are seven images in the map cover and the Karura forest cages is the first .Karura forest cave or Mau Mau caves is proved to have been occupied for thousands of years

The second image is the famous Leopard Mathai with a group of children posing for a photo I can notice a cypress tree or is it a casuarina

Image of Karura Forest Map

Image of Karura Forest Reserve Map

The green lawn is Amani Garden café a world class restaurant inside the forest .Then the famous Waterfalls which when you are in Karura you are most likely to visit. I find it that there seems to be some co-relation to what happens at Karura gate A and Karura gate C.Karura gate A is located just next to UN headquarters Gigiri

And houses lots of attention since while at Karura gate A that way you are headed to Lavington, Runda ,Rosslyn, Parklands, and mostly all embassy in Kenya

Walking Inside Karura Forest canopy cover

Inside Karura Forest reserve

During the bomblast that happened in Nairobi town, they proposed to keep the embassy on in-estate compounds where there are no lots of movements and if there is the movement can be noticed so mostly Runda houses the embassies and also just opposite Karura Forest gate D is the US embassy

If we were to compare between the two main gates in Karura Forest we would clearly see that Gate A seems to be among the busiest and by the fact that Gate A in Karura forest is just few minutes walk from UNEP headquarters and UN embassy .

While at Karura Gate C opposite is Sharks place and just few minutes drive is DCI headquarters while the adjacent estate around gate C is Muthaiga ,Horse shoe estate, Muthaiga North estate,Old muthaiga north.

Karura Forest Rules and Guidelines

  • No littering
  • Karura is plastic free
  • Picnics are enjoyed only at the five official picnic sites
  • Vehicle Parking only at designated sites
  • Dogs must be under control at all times and only off-leash in 3 clearly designated areas
  • To Bikers: Walkers and joggers have right of way
  • To Walker & jogger Wildlife have right of way

Karura Forest has 6 gates with the Main gates being Gate C which is along Kiambu road just few minutes walk from Muthaiga North Entrance and Gate A which is located along Limuru road

Dog off Leash Areas on the bottom right which are three and include Sigiria Glade between Junction 61 and 63a the Main forest paths and Wangari Maathai Track between junctions 30 &40a,Ruaka Picnic Site area and Tara Path there is yellow pages logo with their slogan labelled on the logo "Let your Fingers do the walking" the map and Useful numbers of the authorities plus a statement about the Map created by Harvey Croze. With the Map being a product of many sources Kenya Forest Service, FKF ground surveys, Google earth ArcGIS Mapping Tools from ESRI.

Karura Forest Management Contacts

  • FKF Operations Manager 0721112607

  • FKF Chief Forest Scout 0728501333

  • KFS Forest Station Manager Karura 0728501944

  • FKF Infrastructure Coordinator 0728606449

  • FKF events Coordinator 0791398371

  • FKF Accounts office 0721111085

At the back of the Karura forest Map is a list of special Karura Animals .With a statement indicating there are nocturnal species in Karura .

Image of Karura Forest Map with animals of Karura Forest

Images of Karura Forest animals

  1. African crowned eagle
  2. Silvery -cheeked hornbill
  3. Sykes monkey
  4. Guereza colobus monkey
  5. Bushbuck female & young
  6. Harvey's duiker
  7. Suni female & young
  8. Slender mongoose
  9. Bush squirrel
  10. Jackson's chameleon
  11. Green-banded swallowtail
  12. Noble swallowtail
  1. Collared fruit bat
  2. African civet
  3. Large-spotted genet
  4. White-tailed mongoose
  5. Bush pig
  6. Crested porcupine
  7. Giant pouched rat
  8. Small-earned galago (Bushbaby)

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