1.) Give two factors that influence the quantity of water used in the farm
1.)Size of the farm.
2.)Weather conditions.
3.)Type of irrigation system used.
4.)Soil type.
3.) Give two advantages of concrete block over Timber as building materials
Concrete tends also becomes stronger over time, further fortifying the structure
termites thrive in wooden structures and wooden frame houses, and wood tends to suffer from pestilence and moisture problems
Sound Proofing
Wooden structures have a bad reputation of being noisy, as they do not insulate noise as well as concrete due to their difference in density.
5.) List Four Factors that Influence the supply of Casual Labor in a Farm
1.) Health/fitness of workforce
2.)Number of people in labour market
3.)Amount to be paid as wages
4.)Ability/skills of labour
5.)Incentive /working condition
6.)Skills available
Cultural control method
Cut maize stalks after harvest to ground level and leave to dry.
• Clear all remains of the previous maize crop after harvest if the field was heavily
attacked by stalkborers.
• Plant early, at the beginning of the rains or in the next 2 two weeks.
Chemical control
Thiodan 3% G - a pinch into the funnel of each plant (1.2 - 1.6 kg/acre).
• Dipterex 2.5% G - a pinch into the funnel of each plant (1.2 - 1.6 kg/acre).
• Bulldock 0.05% G - one shake in the funnel of each plant (3-4 kg/ acre).
Ambush 0.05%G - one shake per plant in the funnel (3 - 4 kg/acre).
• Pymac (the residue from pyrethrum processing) - a spoonful of Pymac should be
applied into the funnel of each plant.
You can make your own control mixture by adding 2 kg ash (2 kg Kimbo tin or one
gorogoro) to 50 gm (2 match boxes) of dried ground pepper. Apply a pinch of the
mixture into the funnel of each plant
9.)Give four Natural factors that encourage soil erosion
Deforestation and the loss of ground cover contribute to the ecological degradation of soil by exposing it to erosion and causing disruptions in ecosystems.
Strong wind gusts. Heavy winds remove dry tiny earth particles, which is a typical problem in semi-arid regions leading to desertification. Climate change ..
Soil Structure: The way soil particles are held together, affects the soil's friability, the ease with which soil particles are detached by raindrops.For instance sandy soil can easily be eroded compared to clay soil
Mining can destroy landscapes, not only removing earth but also removing the trees that are essential to maintaining the soil. Agriculture
11.)Give Three ways used to Improve production of indigenous cattle
Cross breeding with high yielding breeds
Proper selection
Proper feeding
Proper control of parasite and diseases
13.) Give four measures that can control egg eating by hens in a deep litter system
1. Reduce Traffic in the Nesting Area.
Egg breakage is a major reason why hens start eating eggs. Excessive traffic and eggs in the nesting area increase the chance of egg breakage. Some precautions include:
2.)Remove all broody hens from the laying area. Broody hens reduce nesting space and cause more traffic in the remaining nests. Other hens may also lay their eggs where the broody hen is, increasing risk of breakage from too many eggs. Do not scare hens out of nest boxes. They may accidentally break eggs on their way out.
3.)Eggs contain high-quality protein and fats that can be enticing to hens who are not already receiving proper nutrition. Provide a complete ration formulated to meet the needs of laying hens. .
4.)Keep 2 inches of clean, dry nesting material in the nests at all times. Many eggs are cracked due to a lack of protective padding in nesting boxes
15.)Give Two signs that would indicate that a cow has died of anthrax
1.)Blood may be present around the nose, mouth
2.)Blood may be present around the anus of carcasses
17.)Give two reasons why maize should be harvested at milk stage for making silage
The milky stage is characterized by the presence of a milky substance in the kernels, indicating high moisture levels in the plant. This succulent nature of the maize plant facilitates the ensiling process by providing an optimal moisture content for fermentation.
Maize harvested at the milky stage has a high dry matter content, meaning that it contains a higher proportion of nutrients compared to other stages of maturity
19.)State Three methods of breaking dormancy in some crops before planting
Chemical treatment -Plant growth regulators or other chemicals can be used in induced germination growth regulators.
Scarification treatments make a hard seed coat permeable to water or gases either by softening or cracking.
High-temperature treatment: Incubation at 40-50 °C for a few hours to a few days may have an effect in overcoming dormancy in some species. For instance, rice seeds treated with hot water at 40°C for at least 4 hours
21.) List two tools used for each of the following farm operations
Tightening barbed wires during fencing
Claw hammer
Smoothening concrete floors during plastering
Leveling board
Finishing trowel