In this section we will look at
1.)About Kenya Forest Research Institute
2.)Tree Planting Procedure By KEFRI
3.)KEFRI seedling price list
4.)KEFRI Locations and Regional Centers
5.)KEFRI seed price List
6.)KEFRI contacts
7.)KEFRI’s Goals
8.) Key Functions of KEFRI
9.) KEFRI’s Management Structure
11.) KEFRI’s key partners
12.)FAQ about KEFRI
Image of Sesbania Sesban
The Kenya Forest Research Institute (KEFRI) a research center of Excellence in Forestry and Allied Natural Resources for Sustainable Development is a government institute established in the year 1986 with a mission to advance the sustainable management, conservation, and utilization of Kenya's forest resources.
Image of a section of KEFRI managed forests in kenya
KEFRI operates under the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry, focusing on innovative research, development, and outreach programs that support both Kenya’s forestry sector and broader environmental goals.
Image of Kigelia africana also known as sausage tree by Thompson safaris
Through its work, KEFRI has become instrumental in promoting sustainable forestry practices, supporting community-based conservation, and addressing challenges like climate change, deforestation, and land degradation.
Senna spectabilis is a plant species of the legume family native to South and Central America.
Tree Planting Procedure By KEFRI
1.)Weed Clearing
Prepare planting site by clearing the weeds
Image of a markhamia lutea tree also known as the Nile tulip
2.)Planting Objective
Understand the planting objective.whether for Timber,Fuelwood,Rehabilitation,Urban Forestry or boundary planting
Image of Araucaria cunninghamii seedlings by Mumbi Liz
3.)Right Species at the correct site
Image of Syzygium guineense an evergreen leafy forest tree found in many parts of Africa
Plant the right species at the correct site as advised by technical experts by using the jaza miti app
4.)Seedling Handling
Handle the seedling carefully to the planting site to ensure roots and stems are intact
Image of a Hibiscus Tree whose Scientific name is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
5.)Determine spacing
Timber Spacing 2.5 m by 2.5 m for Cypress and Pines
Image of Senna siamea, also known as Siamese cassia often used as shade tree in cocoa, coffee and tea plantations.
6.)Dig Holes
Dig holes double the size of potting tube in terms of depth and width .This ensures tree planted leave space at the bottom and then plant tree at the level root collar .Do not bury the tree plant it
Image of Terminalia mentalis some call it Umbrella tree though not
Put the seedling at the middle of planting at an upright position where applicable support the seedling
Put quarter of top soil back in the planting hole then place the seedling and cover it with soil ,then firm up the seedling
Water the seedling
Report on species and number of trees planted in Jazamiti app
Image of a Kei apple fruit
Image of a candle nut tree also known as Aleurites Moluccana the state tree of Hawai'i, traditionally a source of dye
Kei Apple | 10Ksh |
Warbugia ugandensis | 50Khs |
Acacia xanthopholea | 30Ksh |
Acokanthera schimperi | 50Ksh |
Acrocarpus fraxinifolia | 10Ksh |
Araucaria cannighamii | 50Ksh |
Australian flame | 50Ksh |
Avocados | 50Ksh |
Bambusa Dentrocalamus | 200Ksh |
Bambusa Striata | 150Ksh |
Bambusa Vulgaris | 150Ksh |
Brachyleana huillensis | 50Ksh |
Cupressus Lusitanica | 10Ksh |
Candle Nut | 50Ksh |
Caesalpinia spinosa | 10Ksh |
Calistemon citrinus | 10Ksh |
Calistemon lanceolatus | 10Ksh |
Calondendrum capense | 50Ksh |
Casuarina equisetifolia | 10Ksh |
Casuarina jughuniana | 10Ksh |
Combretum schumanii | 10Ksh |
Cordia abyssinica | 10Ksh |
Cordia Africana | 50Ksh |
Croton macrostachyus | 10Ksh |
Croton Megalocarpus | 30Ksh |
Dovyalis caffra | 10Ksh |
Elacondendron buchananii | 50Ksh |
Eucalyptus globulus | 10Ksh |
Eucalyptus Grandis | 10Ksh |
Eucalyptus maculata | 10Ksh |
Eucalyptus saligna | 10Ksh |
Gmelina arborea | 10Ksh |
Gravillea Robusta | 10Ksh |
Hibiscus | 10Ksh |
Juniperus Procera | 30Ksh |
Kigelia Africana | 50Ksh |
Markhamia Lutea | 30Ksh |
Melia Azedarach | 10Ksh |
Nandi Flame | 50Ksh |
Olea Africana | 10Ksh |
Passion Fruit | 10Ksh |
Pinus Patula | 10Ksh |
Podocarpus gracillior | 50Ksh |
Polysias Kikuyensis | 10Ksh |
Premna maxima | 10Ksh |
Prunus Africana | 10Ksh |
Royal Palm | 50Ksh |
Schinus Molle | 30Ksh |
Strychnos henningsii | 50Ksh |
Syzygium guineense | 100Ksh |
Teclea nobilis | 50Ksh |
Thika Palm | 50Ksh |
Thuya orintiaris | 50Ksh |
Tree tomato | 10Ksh |
Trichilia emetica | 50Ksh |
Vitex keniensis | 50Ksh |
Warbugia ugandensis | 50Ksh |
Yushania Albina | 50Ksh |
Acacia melifera | 20Ksh |
Acacia senegal | 10Ksh |
Aloe vera spp | 100Ksh |
Azadirachta indica | 20Ksh |
Banalite aegyptica | 20Ksh |
Carica papaya | 10Ksh |
Cordia sinensis | 10Ksh |
Delonix regia | 10Ksh |
Dobera glabra | 20Ksh |
Luecaena leucocephala | 50Ksh |
Melia volkensii | 20Ksh |
Moringa oloifera | 20Ksh |
Salvadora persica | 20Ksh |
Senna siamea | 20Ksh |
Syzygium cuminii | 20Ksh |
Terminalia mentalis | 20Ksh |
Afzuelia quansensis | 20Ksh |
Brachystegia speciformis | 20Ksh |
Eucalyptus Camaldulensis | 10Ksh |
Eucalyptus europhyla | 10Ksh |
Ficus sycomorus | 20Ksh |
Hymenia verucosa | 20Ksh |
Lecanoides fraxinifolius | 20Ksh |
Majidea zanguebarica | 20Ksh |
Mimusops fruiticosa | 20Ksh |
Pleustrolyia africana | 20Ksh |
Polysphaeria multiflora | 20Ksh |
Terminalia cattapa | 20Ksh |
Terminalia spinosa | 20Ksh |
Bischovia javonica | 10Ksh |
Jacaranda mimosifolia | 20Ksh |
Senna spectabillis | 10Ksh |
Sesbania Sesban | 10Ksh |
KEFRI Locations and Regional Centers
Image of KEFRI National forest product research programme centre
KEFRI operates a network of research centers and regional offices across Kenya. These centers facilitate forestry research, community outreach, and conservation initiatives, each tailored to address the specific environmental conditions of the region.
Each of these centers conducts region-specific research, providing technologies and strategies for forestry and conservation that align with the unique ecological conditions of their respective areas. .
This decentralized approach helps KEFRI effectively reach diverse communities, allowing it to tackle region-specific challenges such as drought in drylands or soil erosion in highlands
KEFRI Headquarters
KEFRI Headquarters is located in Muguga Kiambu county and the function is for administration, major research programs, partnerships, and seed production 23 km north-west of Nairobi, off Nairobi - Nakuru highway
KEFRI Regional Research Centers
Coast Eco-Region Research Centre (CERC) - Based in Gede, Kilifi County
Focuses on coastal forests, mangrove ecosystems, and agroforestry suitable for coastal climates.
Central Highlands Eco-Region Research Centre (CHERC) - Based in Karura, Nairobi
Addresses highland forests, community forestry, and conservation in central Kenya.
Drylands Eco-Region Research Centre (DERC) - Based in Kibwezi, Makueni County
Focuses on dryland afforestation, desertification control, and water-efficient agriculture for arid and semi-arid areas.
Lake Victoria Basin Eco-Region Research Centre (LVBRC) - Based in Maseno, Kisumu County
Conducts research on lake basin ecosystems, agroforestry, and the conservation of indigenous species.
North Rift Eco-Region Research Centre (NRERC) - Based in Londiani, Kericho County
Covers research in forested highlands and rift valley ecosystems.
Western Eco-Region Research Centre (WERC) - Based in Kakamega, Kakamega County
Works on biodiversity conservation, particularly in indigenous forests like Kakamega Forest.
KEFRI Contacts
20412-00200 ,Nairobi, Kenya.
+254 722 157 414
+254 (0) 724 259781/2
KEFRI seed price List
Image of Dobera glabra an evergreen shrub native to Somalia, Djibouti, and Ethiopia.
Diospyros cornii | 1500Ksh |
Diospyros mespiliformis | 2000Ksh |
Diospyros scabra | 1500Ksh |
Dobera glabra | 1000Ksh |
Dodonea viscosa | 8000Ksh |
Dombeya torrida | 5000Ksh |
Dovyalis abyssinica | 4000Ksh |
Dovyalis caffra | 2000Ksh |
Drypetes gerradii | 1500Ksh |
Ehretia cymosa | 3500Ksh |
Entada abyssinica | 800Ksh |
Erythrina burttii | 3000Ksh |
Erythrophloeum guineese | 1500Ksh |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis) | 5000Ksh |
Eucalyptus ficifolia | 5000Ksh |
Eucalyptus globulus | 5000Ksh |
Eucalyptus grandis | 5000Ksh |
Eucalyptus maculata | 5000Ksh |
Eucalyptus paniculata | 4000Ksh |
Eucalyptus regnans | 5000Ksh |
Eucalyptus saligna | 5000Ksh |
Eucalyptus urophylla | 4000Ksh |
Faidhebia albida | 3500Ksh |
Faurea saligna | 4000Ksh |
Flacourtia indica | 2500Ksh |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | 1000Ksh |
Gardenia volkensii | 1000Ksh |
Gmelina arborea | 2000Ksh |
Grevillea robusta | 5000Ksh |
Grewia discolor | 1000Ksh |
Grewia villosa | 1000Ksh |
Gliricidia sepium | 4000Ksh |
Gyrocarpus americanus | 1200Ksh |
Hagenia abyssinica | 2500Ksh |
Hakea saligna | 5000Ksh |
Harungana madagascariensis | 2000Ksh |
Hymenaea verrucosa | 1000Ksh |
Hyphaene compressa | 500Ksh |
Hyphaene coriacea | 500Ksh |
Jacaranda mimosifolia | 4000Ksh |
Jatropha curcas | 1000Ksh |
Juniperus procera | 2000Ksh |
Khaya anthotheca | 1500Ksh |
Kigelia africana | 2000Ksh |
Lannea elata | 1500Ksh |
Lawsonia inermis | 1500Ksh |
Leucaena diversifolia | 2000Ksh |
Leucaena leucocephala | 1500Ksh |
Leucaena pallida | 2000Ksh |
Leucaena trichandra | 2500Ksh |
Allophylus abyssinicus | 1200Ksh |
Araucaria angustifolia | 1500Ksh |
Araucaria cunninghamii | 2000Ksh |
Atriplex numularia | 600Ksh |
Azanza garckeana | 1500Ksh |
Balanites aegyptiaca | 1000Ksh |
Balanites orbicularis | 1000Ksh |
Balanites wilsoniana | 600Ksh |
Berchemia discolor | 2000Ksh |
Acokanthera schimperi | 1500Ksh |
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius | 2500Ksh |
Adansonia digitata | 1000Ksh |
Adenanthera pavonina | 3500Ksh |
Afzelia quanzensis | 2000Ksh |
Albizia coriaria | 3000Ksh |
Albizia grandibracteata | 3500Ksh |
Albizia gummifera | 3500Ksh |
Albizia lebbeck | 3000Ksh |
Albizia lophantha | 2000Ksh |
Albizia procera | 2000Ksh |
Acacia kirkii | 1500Ksh |
Acacia lahai | 1000Ksh |
Acacia mangium | 4000Ksh |
Acacia mearnsii | 1000Ksh |
Acacia melanoxolyn | 1000Ksh |
Acacia mellifera | 2000Ksh |
Acacia nilotica | 1000Ksh |
Acacia nubica | 800Ksh |
Acacia polyacantha | 2000Ksh |
Acacia reficiens | 800Ksh |
Acacia Senegal | 2000Ksh |
Acacia seyal | 2000Ksh |
Acacia sieberiana | 1500Ksh |
Acacia tortilis | 2000Ksh |
Acacia xanthopholea | 3500Ksh |
Acacia zanzibarica | 800Ksh |
Ziziphus mauritiana | 1000Ksh |
Ziziphus mucronata | 1000Ksh |
Acacia abyssinica | 1200Ksh |
Acacia brevispica | 1000Ksh |
Acacia drepanolobium | 1500Ksh |
Acacia elatior | 2000Ksh |
Acacia gerrardii | 1500Ksh |
Acacia horrida | 1000Ksh |
Tecoma stans | 5000Ksh |
Tectona grandis | 1000Ksh |
Terminali mentalis | 1200Ksh |
Terminalia brownii (Extracted) | 3000Ksh |
Terminalia brownii (fruits) | 800Ksh |
Terminalia prunoides | 800Ksh |
Terminalia spinosa | 1500Ksh |
Thevetia peruviana | 800Ksh |
Tipuana tipu | 1000Ksh |
Tristinia conferta | 3500Ksh |
Vangueria madagascariensis | 2500Ksh |
Vitex keniensis | 1500Ksh |
Vitex payos | 1500Ksh |
Ximenia americana | 1000Ksh |
Zanthoxylum gilletii | 1200Ksh |
Ziziphus abyssinica | 1000Ksh |
Senna spectabilis | 1500Ksh |
Sesbania grandiflora | 1500Ksh |
Sesbania sesban | 1500Ksh |
Spathodea campanulata | 3500Ksh |
Strychnos henningsii | 2000Ksh |
Syncarpia laurifolia | 3000Ksh |
Tamarindus indica | 2000Ksh |
Teclea nobilis | 3000Ksh |
Paramacrolobium coeruleum | 1000Ksh |
Parkinsonia aculeata | 1000Ksh |
Phoenix reclinata | 1000Ksh |
Piliostigma thonningii | 800Ksh |
Pinus caribaea | 5000Ksh |
Pinus patula | 7000Ksh |
Pinus radiata | 5000Ksh |
Pithecellobium dulce | 1000Ksh |
Podocarpus falcatus | 1500Ksh |
Polyscias fulva | 4000Ksh |
Polyscias kikuyuensis | 4000Ksh |
Premna maxima | 3500Ksh |
Pyracantha angustifolia | 4000Ksh |
Schinus molle | 1500Ksh |
Sclerocarya birrea | 600Ksh |
Senna siamea | 2000Ksh |
Maesopsis eminii | 1000Ksh |
Markhamia lutea | 2000Ksh |
Melia azedarach | 2500Ksh |
Melia Volkensii | 6000Ksh |
Melia Volkensii nuts | 800Ksh |
Milicia excelsa | 5000Ksh |
Milletia dura | 2000Ksh |
Mimusops kummel | 1000Ksh |
Moringa oleifera | 1500Ksh |
Moringa stenopetala | 3000Ksh |
Myrianthus holstii | 4000Ksh |
Mystroxylon aethiopicum | 1500Ksh |
Newtonia buchananii | 3500Ksh |
Newtonia hildebrandtii | 3500Ksh |
Newtonia paucijuga | 1000Ksh |
Ocotea usambarensis | 5000Ksh |
Olea capensis ssp .hochstetteri | 3000Ksh |
Olea capensis ssp .welwitchii | 3500Ksh |
Olea europaea ssp. africana | 3000Ksh |
Bischovia javonica | 2500Ksh |
Brachychiton acerifolium | 3000Ksh |
Brachylaena huillensis | 5000Ksh |
Brachystegia speciformis | 1000Ksh |
Caesalpinia volkensii | 3500Ksh |
Calliandra calothyrsus | 3000Ksh |
Dichostachys cinerea | 2000Ksh |
Diospyros abyssinica | 1500Ksh |
Cupressus lusitanica | 5000Ksh |
Cupressus pyramidalis | 5000Ksh |
Dalbergia melanoxylon | 1000Ksh |
Delonix elata | 4000Ksh |
Delonix regia | 1000Ksh |
Dialium orientale | 1500Ksh |
Dialium orientale | 1500Ksh |
Callistemon citrinus | 4000Ksh |
Callistemon lanceolatus | 4000Ksh |
Callistemon viminalis | 4000Ksh |
Callitris robusta | 1000Ksh |
Calodendrum capense | 1500Ksh |
Casearia battiscombe | 3500Ksh |
Casuarina equisetifolia | 5000Ksh |
Casuarina jughuniana | 5000Ksh |
Celtis africana | 3500Ksh |
Chorisia speciosa | 2000Ksh |
Chorisia ventricosa | 2000Ksh |
Combretum schumannii | 800Ksh |
Combretum zeyheri | 800Ksh |
Commiphora baluensis | 4000Ksh |
Conocorpus lancifolius | 1000Ksh |
Cordeuxia edulis | 3000Ksh |
Cordia africana | 2000Ksh |
Cordia monoica | 2500Ksh |
Cordia sinensis | 2000Ksh |
Craibia brownii | 1000Ksh |
Croton macrostachyus | 2000Ksh |
Cryptomeria japonica | 2000Ksh |
Croton megalocarpus | 1000Ksh |
KEFRI’s Mission, Vision, and Objectives
KEFRI’s mission is to conduct research, innovate, and provide information and technology to support sustainable forestry and environmental management. Its vision is to be a world-class center of excellence in forestry and allied natural resources research, contributing to environmental sustainability, biodiversity conservation, and national development.
KEFRI's core objectives include:
Conducting research in forestry, agroforestry, and related natural resources.
Developing and disseminating technologies to promote sustainable forest management.
Contributing to forest policy formulation through research-based evidence.
Enhancing Kenya’s forest cover and promoting biodiversity conservation.
Supporting climate adaptation and mitigation through tree planting and agroforestry.
Key Functions of KEFRI
KEFRI’s work spans various programs and activities, with each function tailored to address specific challenges in the forestry and environmental sectors
Forestry Research
KEFRI conducts applied and adaptive research to solve challenges related to sustainable forest management. Research areas include afforestation, reforestation, forest ecology, conservation, biodiversity, and forest-based livelihoods.
Recognizing the importance of integrating trees into farming systems, KEFRI promotes agroforestry practices that improve soil quality, reduce erosion, and increase farm productivity. Agroforestry helps smallholder farmers create sustainable land-use systems.
Forest Conservation
Through research and community engagement, KEFRI develops strategies for conserving natural forests and endangered species. Conservation efforts are directed at promoting ecosystem restoration, reforestation, and natural resource management.
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
KEFRI contributes to climate action by promoting practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, enhance carbon sequestration, and adapt forest ecosystems to climate impacts.
Capacity Building and Community Outreach
KEFRI provides training for forest management professionals, community groups, and extension officers, offering them tools and knowledge to implement sustainable forestry practices. The organization is involved in public awareness initiatives, promoting tree planting, forest conservation, and agroforestry practices.
Tree Seed Production and Distribution
KEFRI’s certified tree seed center produces high-quality seeds of both indigenous and exotic species. By ensuring the availability of quality planting material, KEFRI supports reforestation efforts, biodiversity conservation, and Kenya’s ambitious reforestation goals.
3. KEFRI’s Management Structure
KEFRI is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry. The board provides policy direction, ensures resource allocation aligns with the institute's objectives, and oversees strategic decision-making. The Director of KEFRI is the head of the institution, managing the institute’s day-to-day operations and ensuring the implementation of research projects, programs, and outreach activities.
KEFRI’s management structure includes several directorates, each focusing on a specific aspect of the organization’s mandate:
Research and Development: This department conducts research, develops technologies, and ensures that new innovations are in line with Kenya’s environmental and developmental goals.
Partnerships and Business Development: KEFRI collaborates with international organizations, government bodies, NGOs, and communities to advance sustainable forestry practices and promote technology transfer.
Finance and Administration: This department manages KEFRI’s financial resources, procurement, and human resources, ensuring compliance with government regulations and standards.
Monitoring and Evaluation: To measure the effectiveness of KEFRI’s projects, this department tracks progress, assesses impacts, and identifies areas for improvement.
KEFRI Tenders and Procurement
As a public institution, KEFRI follows Kenya’s Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, ensuring transparency and fairness in procurement and tendering processes. KEFRI regularly issues tenders for services, supplies, and project-specific requirements, including research equipment, office supplies, transportation services, infrastructure development, and more.
Types of KEFRI Tenders
Supply Tenders: KEFRI often issues tenders for the supply of laboratory equipment, seeds, chemicals, IT equipment, and office supplies.
Service Tenders: These include services such as transportation, maintenance, consulting, training, and project-specific tasks.
Construction Tenders: These are for infrastructure-related projects, including the development of research facilities, conservation infrastructure, and staff housing.
Research Project Tenders: KEFRI collaborates with local and international partners on joint research projects, often requiring specific supplies or services.
KEFRI publishes tender notices in national newspapers and on its official website. Suppliers and contractors can download tender documents, submit proposals, and participate in the transparent bidding process. Successful bidders are selected based on the quality of service, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with KEFRI’s requirements.
5. KEFRI Suppliers and Partnerships
KEFRI’s suppliers play a crucial role in supporting its research and outreach programs. Suppliers are required to register with KEFRI and meet quality standards, ensuring they can provide reliable products and services that support the institute’s objectives. KEFRI's supplier categories include:
Equipment and Laboratory Supplies: Suppliers provide essential research equipment, laboratory chemicals, and other scientific materials used in forestry research.
Seed Suppliers: These suppliers contribute to KEFRI’s mandate by providing certified seeds for reforestation and biodiversity conservation programs.
Technical Services: These include services for equipment maintenance, transportation, IT, training, and other areas supporting KEFRI’s operations.
Construction and Civil Works: Contractors involved in building and maintaining KEFRI’s infrastructure, research centers, and facilities.
KEFRI’s key partners
KEFRI also partners with international organizations, universities, NGOs, and governmental bodies to promote forestry research, conservation, and climate change initiatives.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Kenya Forest Service (KFS)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Local universities and research institutes
7. KEFRI’s Impact on Forestry and Environmental Conservation
KEFRI has significantly contributed to Kenya’s environmental conservation efforts. Some of its notable impacts include:
Increased Forest Cover: KEFRI has supported Kenya’s goal of increasing forest cover by providing quality tree seedlings, research-based forestry management practices, and reforestation initiatives.
Climate Resilience and Adaptation: Through research on resilient tree species, agroforestry practices, and conservation efforts, KEFRI has helped communities adapt to climate change.
Community Empowerment: KEFRI’s training programs have equipped local communities with the knowledge and tools to implement sustainable land management practices, promoting self-sufficiency and enhancing livelihoods.
Biodiversity Conservation: By preserving and restoring indigenous species, KEFRI has contributed to the conservation of Kenya's unique biodiversity.