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Writer's pictureMukinyo

Kenya National Examination Council Agriculture Paper 1 Oct/Nov 2001

I found this 23 year old Agriculture Paper 1 in Naromoru at My Uncles Chicken Coop and I immediately folded it into asizeable piece and placed it in the pocket .I guess it belonged to one of My cousins Wagura

Cant clearly figure out what the 443/1 means but the reset is just a doodle .I have always loved even numbers therefore lets go through the even number first from Section A .Section A is 40

22.)State six reasons why agriculture is important in Kenya's economy

1. Contribution to National Income: The lessons drawn from the economic history of many advanced countries tell us that agricultural prosperity contributed considerably in fostering economic advancement.

2. Source of Food Supply: Agriculture is the basic source of food supply of all the countries of the world—whether underdeveloped, developing or even developed. Due to heavy pressure of population in underdeveloped and developing countries and its rapid increase, the demand for food is increasing at a fast rate

3. Pre-Requisite for Raw Material: Agricultural advancement is necessary for improving the supply of raw materials for the agro-based industries especially in developing countries

4.Provision of Surplus: The progress in agricultural sector provides surplus for increasing the exports of agricultural products.

5. Improving Rural Welfare: It is time that rural economy depends on agriculture and allied occupations in an underdeveloped country.

6. Creation of Infrastructure: The development of agriculture requires roads, market, storage, transportation railways and many others for an infrastructure creating demand for industrial products and the development of commercial sector

20.)State 6 disadvantages of weeds in crop production

1.)Because of their quicker rate of development in the early stages of crop growth, most of these weeds are self-sown and provide competition

2.)Some weeds produce hazardous chemical inhibitors into the soil, which can injure crop plants, humans, and cattle.

3.)The control of weeds through spraying using herbicides increases the costs of production

4.)Weeds degrade the quality of agricultural products that can be sold. Contamination with weed seeds such as Datura sp., Argemone sp., Brassica sp., and others is damaging to human health,

5.)Weeds not only lower productivity but also disrupts agricultural operations. Weeds make mechanical sowing difficult to harvest crops, resulting in additional costs for labor,equipment, and chemicals to remove them.

6.)Weeds in the aquatic environment obstruct water flow in canals, water transport systems, and drainage systems, making navigation

7.)They lower the quality of farm produce e.g. Black Jack seeds contaminate cotton Lint

18.)State two causes of hard pan in a crop field

Ploughing at the same depth season after season

Use of heavy machinery on wet soil.

16.)Name two methods which can be used to detect nutrient deficiency in a crop field

1.)most growers rely primarily on visual symptoms, plant tissue analysis Plant analysis

2.) soil analysis. soil testing go hand in hand. A soil test provides an index of the nutrient that is potentially available for the crop

14.)State four factors that are considered when formulating a livestock ration

1) Nutritional Requirements of Cattle

Cattle have daily nutrient requirements (energy, protein, etc.) varying according to weight, milk yield, physiological condition and environmental factors. Knowing these ensures that a proper ration is formed.

2) Nutritional Content of Feed Materials

It is necessary to know the nutritional content of the feed materials that are considered to be used in the ration, since cattle should take all the requirements (energy, protein, etc.) from feed.

3) Limiting Features for Feed Materials

The feed materials used in the preparation of the ration and their quantities are of great importance. Excessive use of some substances impairs both animal health and feed composition. For example; Using molasses more than 7% in ruminant rations may cause lumps in feed and problems in preservation of feed.

4) Feed Costs

Although the ration is mainly formed according to the herd needs, the feed included in the ration is also important in terms of cost. The cost of rations prepared for an economical animal husbandry should be reduced. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the business to make a profit.

12.) State six management practices in fish rearing

1.)Keep the grass short

2.)Have a dog present on the farm to keep on predators such as tortoise ,snake

3.)Clean all inlet and outlet

4.)Fence the whole area for safety and keep of invaders

5.)Ensure the water from inlet and outlet is flowing efficient to avoid leeches

6.)Feed your Fish well

7.)Fertilize the pod but do not over fertilize

10.)State Three farming activities which may cause pollution to water sources

1.)Farmers often use chemicals and pesticides. When these substances seep into the groundwater, they can harm animals, plants and humans.

2.)By tilling land ,it leaves the ground loose exposing the soil to rain water that carries the soil to nearby rivers.

3.) Oil spillage from Tractors that farm the land may sip to the water bodies thus polluting

8.)State four precautions that would ensure safety of the farmer while spraying chemicals in crops

Follow label directions carefully.

NEVER eat, smoke, drink, or chew while using pesticides

Avoid splashing, spilling, leaks, spray drift, and contamination of clothing.

Dispose of empty containers carefully. Never reuse them.

6.)State any six ways by which a farmer can adjust to uncertainties

1.)Diversification: having various enterprise so that if one falls, the farmer has something to rely on

2.)Contract production: growing crops on contract with the consumer with assurance of the market.

3.)Input rationing: use of inputs sparingly to avoid wastage/ incurring unnecessary expenses.

4.)Flexibility in production: being able to make alternatives in farming schedules

5.)Selecting more certain enterprises: embarking on enterprise with less risk.

6.)Insurance: insuring the enterprise that in case

7.)Adopting modern methods of farming i.e : irrigation crop rotation & animal husbandry practice.

4.) State two Characteristics of Goats that make them adaptable to arid areas of Kenya

1.) A low body mass, and low metabolic requirements of goats can be regarded as an important asset to them for it minimize their maintenance and water requirements, in areas where water sources are widely distributed and food sources are limited by their quantity and quality.

2.)There is a positive interaction between the better recycling rate of urea and a better digestion of such food in desert goats. The rumen plays an important role in the evolved adaptations by serving as a huge fermentation vat and water reservoir.

3.) The rumen, the salivary glands and the kidney coordinately function in the regulation of water intake and water distribution following acute dehydration and rapid rehydration

2.)Give Three ways by which a farmer would add organic matter to the soil

1.)Adding farmyard manure from cows,chickens,goats

2.)Adding compost manure such as from Kitchen refuse

3.)By adding Mulch which later decomposes and adds nutrients to the soil

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