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Pawpaw Trees, Pawpaw Fruits, Pawpaw Seedlings

Updated: Oct 1, 2024

Image of a Pawpaw fruit with seeds

In this post we will look at

0.)Pawpaw cream,pawpaw oil and pawpaw lotion

1.)About pawpaw

2.)Pawpaw farming in Kenya

3.)Pawpaw leaves and pawpaw seeds benefits

4.)Pawpaw seeds

5.)Dwarf pawpaw farming in Kenya

6.)Pawpaw farming groups on Facebook

7.)Best pawpaw varieties in Kenya

8.)Cost of pawpaw farming in Kenya

9.)Solo sunrise pawpaw farming

10.)How profitable is Pawpaw farming

11.)Malkia F1 pawpaw Seeds and spacing

12.)Pawpaw seedlings for sale

14.)Calina f1 papaya

15.)Papaya f1 hybrid

16.)Vega F1 papaya

17.)Oxfarm pawpaw seedlings

18.)List of Pawpaw seedling sellers

PawPaw farming in Kenya

Image of a pawpaw by richfarm Naivasha

The average cost of a pawpaw in kilogram in Kenya is 30Ksh -35 Ksh. (variant)Most Pawpaw trees begin flowering at 5-6 months, and by month 9 you begin to hit the market. For Pawpaw trees they do produce in layers, meaning you can harvest all round the year on weekly basis when the fruit trees are fed well, watered well and protected from pests and diseases.

Image of a solosunrise pawpaw seedling

Planting Paw Paw is a very intensive farming skill as paw paws are known to be dioecious meaning they have both the male and female parts on different plants.But what if you plant pawpaws then find out all to be male is there a remmedy to rectify the situation and yes. To differentiate male pawpaw and female pawpaw seeds .The male pawpaw seeds are brown and female pawpaw seeds are black

According to Lawrence Ndambuki who has ever been in such a situation here is what you do

You shock the Pawpaw plant and have it to get an hormonal change from male to female, this may be by choping off,then drill holes at the lower part then drive nails through and pieces of dry wood, once it sprouts again, you can start seeing fruiting, time the chopping off and do it when the rain season is just about to start if you are not irrigating. The holes are drilled horizontally .

As a farmer the best way to differentiate a male from a female pawpaw seed apart from color is

Solo Sunrise pawpaw farming

 A well tended Solo Sunrise pawpaw orchard can give you up to 40 tons of fruit per year At the local market, 1 kg of pawpaw is bought at sh.30 wholesale price. Now that translates to a cool 1.2 million shillings in turn over.

Did you know that Pawpaw seeds are male contraceptive According to Chief Herbalist . Taking two tablespoonsful of dried pawpaw seeds with hot water for a day makes a man sterile for 90 days.

How To Prepare the Pawpaw seeds

  • Get the seeds.

  • Dry it under the sun. When dried,

  • grind into powder.

  • Boil about 300mls of water.

  • Then add two tablespoons to your boiled water.

  • Stir, allow it to cool (lukewarm)

  • Sieve and drink the extract.

Calina f1 papaya

A spacing of 3m* 3m is recommended for Calina f1 papaya as by 8 months the space is usually congested .Also try adding some cover crops on the wide space is recommended cover crops such as Lemon and passion fruits

I have used the spacing of 2m*2m and the fruits are already congested at 8months. Next time, I will do 3m*3m. I'd rather add cover crops.

RichFarm Naivasha
Training + Seedlings


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